Are you several months behind on car payments? Are the lien-holders harassing you and threatening to repossess your car, truck or automobile? Unfortunately, when enduring severe financial strain car repossession is a very real possibility. Once your vehicle is repossessed, you will have difficulty getting to work, which will only add further strain to your already difficult financial situation. By filing for bankruptcy, you may be able to avoid automobile repossession, stop the harassing calls from creditors and obtain financial relief. At The Law Offices of James V. Monaghan I will help guide you through the entire bankruptcy process. With many years of experience representing individuals and couples in bankruptcy matters I possess the knowledge that will help you decide which type of bankruptcy, Chapter 7 or Chapter 13, is the best option for you.
The Effects of Car Repossession
Automobile repossession means more than just losing your car. It also means relinquishing your ability to drive to work, drive your children to school, drive to doctor’s appointments and other necessary destinations. You will also lose the feeling of independence many people get from being behind the wheel of their car. In addition, there may be emotional repercussions to having a car repossessed. Throughout the course of my legal career I have helped hundreds of clients keep their cars and achieve financial freedom via bankruptcy.